Ensure Safety.
It’s proven, cattle with housing perform substantially better than those without shelter. In addition to providing dependable protection for your livestock, Goodon Cattle Shelters are easy to clean, and naturally ventilated. They help keep your livestock more comfortable and productive - making livestock management easier and more efficient for you.
Our newly designed Clear Span Cattle Shelter features a wide-open interior, allowing you full uninhibited access for cleaning and working with your cattle.
The short, sloped front deflects the weather and wind away from your cattle, while the long, sloping roof carries the majority of rainwater away from the herd ensuring they stay safe, dry and comfortable.
By lining the bottom four feet of the shelter with treated splash planks, you receive extra protection from wear. The upper walls and roof are covered with high tensile metal cladding.
Enclosed bays can be added for infirmaries and secure protection of vulnerable calves even to provide extra shelter during calving time.